Let’s be frank: most people’s idea of a good time is not spending thousands of dollars on a Charleston Family Court lawyer. Most people, when spending thousands of dollars on anything, want it to be on something tangible, or something fun, like a new car, a vacation, a child’s college tuition. Spending money on a Charleston Family Court lawyer can be made even less pleasant when you’re being led down the path of divorce by what you perceive to be your spouse’s unilateral wrongdoing, and can be complicated by the drastic financial impact already being wrought [Read more…]
Proving Adultery | Charleston Divorce Lawyers
It should come as no surprise to readers of this blog that adultery is a pretty steady driver of clientele into our offices. It’s unfortunate that infidelity seems to be such a pervasive character flaw in the human species, but as they say, it is what it is. Divorce lawyers simply cannot provide the victims of adultery with the emotional support they so often desperately need; it is nature of a divorce lawyer to review the circumstances of an adultery case dispassionately and with a sympathet [Read more…]